Ann Wilson: New Album by June


Heart will be busy on the road for a good part of 2016, but frontwoman Ann Wilson says the band also is working on a new studio album that may see the light of day this year.

“We’re definitely working on new stuff,” the singer revealed recently to ABC Radio. “We have about four new songs now and we only need a few more and we’ll have enough for a new full-length record, which should be ready by June.”

Wilson pointed out that Heart has a record label that’s very anxious to release the project, adding that before she and her band mates turn in the album, they “have to make sure it’s truly great, which we’re in the process of doing.”

Ann told ABC Radio that the new album will be a bit different from Heart’s previous studio effort, 2012’s Fanatic, which she noted “was our heaviest album we ever did in terms of banging and crashing, big guitars and all that kind of stuff.” Wilson maintained that the upcoming record “will have more contours.”

The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer cited as an example of the new album’s more diverse sound is a song written by her sister, Heart guitarist Nancy Wilson, which Ann said is “very sweet and just tugs at your heart.”

The singer, meanwhile, also reported that Nancy will “be doing more singing on the new record too, which I’m really happy about.”  Ann noted that her sister “always wants to sing but then at the last minute she backs out for some reason. I think she’s shy.”



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3 thoughts on “Ann Wilson: New Album by June

  1. As much as I always want Ann singing song after song (and I’d like at least 13-14 tracks on new CD!) It would be interesting if Ann and Nancy split 50% each for tracks. They did say in the past they had been interested in that kind of split for an album.

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